Section 9.5 Distributing Presents
This is an application of permutations with repeated events.
Subsection 9.5.1 Distributing Presents
Suppose we have \(n\) presents to distribute to \(k\) children, such that each of the \(n\) children get \(n_1, \dots, n_k\) presents, respectively. Also, we want to all presents are distributed (i.e. \(n_1 + \dots + n_k = n\)). Then, we want to determine the number of ways this distribution can be done.
We can determine this by arranging the \(n\) presents in a row, and having the child 1 take the first \(n_1\) presents starting from the left, then child 2 takes the next \(n_2\) presents, and so on, until child \(k\) takes the remaining $n_k$ presents.
There are \(n!\) ways to arrange the presents, however, multiple arrangements can lead to the same result (i.e. every kid getting the same presents). If child 1 gets 5 presents, then the order in which those 5 presents are given to them doesn't matter. In general, the \(i\)th child can arrange their presents in \(n_i!\) ways. Thus, the total number of ways to distribute the presents is,
Subsection 9.5.2 Alternate Intuition
Alternatively, we can think of this problem as choosing \(n_1\) presents to give to the first child (which there are \(\binom{n}{n_1}\) ways), then choosing \(n_2\) presents among the remaining \((n - n_1)\) to give to the second child (\(\binom{n-n_1}{n_2}\) ways), and so on. In general, we choose \(n_i\) presents among the remaining \((n - n_1 - n_2 - \dots - n_{i-1})\text{,}\) for \(\binom{n-n_1-\dots-n_{i-1}}{n_i}\) ways.
Thus, the total number of ways to distribute the presents is,
Subsection 9.5.3 Examples
Example 9.5.1.
If \(n = k\) and \(n_1 = n_2 = \cdots = n_k = 1\text{,}\) this represents distributing \(k\) presents (same number of presents as children) and giving each child exactly one present.
This is just arranging the presents to determine which child gets which present, or \(n!\text{.}\) From this formula, we see it is also,
Example 9.5.2.
If \(n_1 = n_2 = \cdots = n_{k-1} = 1\) and \(n_k = n - k + 1\text{,}\) this represents giving all child 1 present, except the last child who gets the remaining \((n - k + 1)\) presents.
This involves choosing \((k - 1)\) presents from the \(n\) available to give to the \((k-1)\) children (\(\binom{n}{k-1}\) ways), and then giving the remaining presents to the last child. From the formula, we get,